ConfigBox 3

ConfigBox 3 for Joomla, Wordpress and Magento sports a fresh and modernized frontend and a far more intuitive backend. Developers will love the clearly organized framework. 

For upgrades to version 3 from ConfigBox 1 and 2: Store data gets migrated automatically, while customizations definitely need a rewrite. Going forward with ConfigBox 3, breaking changes within a major release (3, 4, 5, ..) do not happen or are minimized and documented. See infos on breaking changes within ConfigBox 3

See platform compatibility and technical requirements.

New Key Features

  • Modernized Bootstrap-based responsive frontend and backend
  • One-Page checkout now integrated in cart page
  • Enterprise: Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce Tracking
  • Pro: Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracking as in CB 2.6
  • Enterprise: Copying of products, pages and answers (excl. calculations and rules)
  • Enterprise: 3D product visualisation in cooperation with ShapeDiver. 
  • Strong code documentation and clearly organized architecture for customization
  • Strong online manual.

Features removed since ConfigBox 2.6

  • Deposit payments
  • Defining questions that control product quantity on configurator pages
  • Template overrides for configurator questions (overrides for other templates as before). Replaced with custom question types (see details in the developer documentation).
  • Quote requests directly from the configurator (now via cart page)