Order Management

PDF-GenerationThese features are for the Joomla and Wordpress version only. CB for Magento leverages Magento's order features.

With ConfigBox you not only have a product configurator, but also an integrated ecommerce suite for orders and quotation requests.

You can also use ConfigBox as automated quotation system only. You enable checkout and other functions for certain customer groups only.


Order Notification System

Customers get notifications by order status changes with user-defined email notifications which are managed in an admin-panel HTML editor. All notifications are multilingual, the customer chooses his preferred language.


Customers can save their order for later checkout, get PDF quotations and have an order history to track their existing and past orders.


Integration with Payment Service Providers

ConfigBox ships with various adapters for payment gateways and regularly expands its selection.

Supported PSP products:

PSP/ConfigBox Version2.42.52.63.x
Authorize.Net SIM x x x
mPAY24 Classic x x x
PayPal Payments Standard
x x x
PostFinance Startup and Professional     x x
Quickpay     x x
SOFORT Überweisung CLASSIC     x x
VR Pay Virtuell   x x x
Wirecard Checkout Page x x x x
Sage Pay Server Integration     x x
MultiSafepay Connect     x x
Paymill Rest API     x x
BillSAFE Rechung*     x x
WorldPay Business Gateway     x x
Stripe     x x

BillSAFE payment installments and partial delivery is not supported.

Automated Request for Quotation System

Customers can do their product configuration and then request for a quotation as PDF document. You can configure ConfigBox to send out quotations automatically or only manually by the shop manager. Customers who request quotations are stored as users in the CMS and ConfigBox to make them sales leads. With adapters to CRM systems you can automatically export this data.

This feature can be used together with regular checkout or exclusively by configuration. Starting with Joomla 2.5 you can enable/disable order features by user group.


Integration with CRM and ERP Systems

ConfigBox offers standardized customer data and order data structure and open interfaces to export data in third-party-systems. Additionally all data is being transmitted over the Joomla Plugin Architecture to any receiving plugin, enabling you to set up plugins that export any customer and order data in real-time to any system.

Integration with CRM and ERP Systems

This interface-adapter system enables third parties to create integration with ConfigBox for all typical business processes. Rovexo offers adapter development for competitive rates. Please contact us with a description of your business IT integration requirement via contact form. 


Shipping rate calculation

Using total weight of the order, shipping country and chosen shipper, ConfigBox calculates shipping rates automatically. All shipping related data is entered in user-friendly and uncomplicated administration forms.


User-defined customer data fields

You can control the information a customer has to enter to checkout an order or to request for quotations. Also you can choose the validation and if fields are mandatory.